Chapter 11.2 - A Growing Family & The Costume Party

UPDATE PLEASE READ: I have two Lets Play Videos (part 5 & 6) with gameplay and commentary of what actually went on for the duration of this chapter. A great insight into how I play this challenge and seeing the story unfold first hand. Subscribe to my youtube channel to keep up to date!

Now that there is a new baby in the household, Kurt's mean spirited heart seems to have softened as he cuddles and plays with little Dante! 

After giving birth to her first child, Lidia felt bad about setting fire to her love Bobbie. She loved him so much and now with a son in her life, she decided she wanted to make her family whole by marrying Bobbie! She invited him over and he was still in his singed state from last night.

But Lidia didn't care how he looked, she just knew she wanted to marry him right then and there and have him join the family.

Lidia and Bobbie are now officially married and Bobbie has been added to the household. 

Bobbie has also brought a new addition to the household with him. A cat named Ratchet! 

Right after getting married, the first thing Bobbie wanted to do (even before having a shower) was to cuddle and feed his baby boy.

On the day of her wedding, it also happened to be Lidia's birthday! She aged up into a fully fledged adult and the mid life crisis is beginning to set in.

With Lidia's family expanding rapidly, Kurt knew he had to pick up his game, so he invited over his new love and girlfriend Tammy over to the house.

It wasn't long before things started to get hot in here. The chemistry between these two is intense!

 Tammy and Kurt slow danced the night away in the study, staring into each others eyes, while Kurt is wearing his signature tighty whiteys! 

Tho Lidia was loving her new family, at times, she just wishes that Dante would let her have a little more sleep of an evening! 

But families and children grow fast and it was Dante's birthday on Spooky Day so Lidia decided to throw a costome party for the special day. Lidia dressed up as a fire fighter.

Bobbie, being in a band and all, decided to dress up as a rocker! Very appropriate I thought!

Kurt looked very handsome in a top hat and suite for his costume!

As all of the guests started arriving, Lidia had an overwhelming urge to use the fireblast spell on this poor camo fairy.

The poor girl's behind was set alight and she was incredibly panicked! Lidia on the other hand couldn't care less, and despite being dressed as a fire fighter, she had no interest in putting the fire out.

Thankfully a green hot dog was on hand to save the day and put poor camo fairy out. Lidia once again was unfazed by the whole drama.

Then the stunning Tammy showed up to the party in a cheerleader costume! She really did grab everyone's attention and looked stunning!

It didn't take long for this guy to notice Tammy, and straight away he headed in her direction to strike up a conversation. 

So Kurt had to move in quickly to ensure this guy wasn't trying to steal his girl. He walked up to Tammy and gave her a gift. It was a football and she loved it!

They then proceeded to flirt excessively with each other and look super cute!

Now it was time for Dante's birthday! Bobbie looked pretty cool holding his son in his punk rock costume.

Lidia brought Dante over to the cake so that he could age up into a toddler.

Dante has aged up into a handsome little boy! He has pink skin, pink eyes, brown hair and pointed ears!

Kurt could not help but feel like Dante was looking right through him with a steely glare, as if taunting him that he is well behind in this challenge and that he may one day be one of the next heirs! Kurt really needs to step up his game!

 After all of the guests had left the party, Lidia and Bobbie finally had some time alone with little Dante by their side.

And what was the first thing Lidia wanted to do? Try for another baby of course!!

Will Lidia have another baby? Will Kurt move his relationship forward with Tammy in time to have a chance at winning this challenge? Find out in the next chapter. 

Also don't forget to keep up to date by subscribing to my youtube channel and watching my lets play videos!