Chapter 8.1 - The Future is Bright

Waking up the following day in the future sure was surreal, but man this place was far nicer than the house they were living in at home!

Jasmine fell back into a daily routine. She ate her first synthesised breakfast and then started working out in the living groom.

Suddenly some other futuristic people and a robot started wandering through the house while she was working out. The future fashions really are quite unique! The time traveller guy also started playing some strange futuristic instrument!

Jasmine was really getting into this music and decided to join in the jam buy picking up this funky looking guitar. She loved this guitar so much she kinda snuck it in her bag and took it home with her.

Jasmine also couldn't help but chat up some of the futuristic locals such as George Landgrab here. The people sure are good looking here in the future!

While Jasmine was living it up in the futuristic house, Leila had the urge to visit the wasteland. When Leila arrived she immediately began regretting her decision. There was literally nothing there and it took her a long time to get out there with her growing baby belly!

Then she came across this mysterious door that seemed to be an entrance to a crashed space ship. As soon as she saw it, she had an urge to go inside and explore. First she had to do some excavating in the area to find the key. After hours of digging she finally found the pieces of the key she needed to go inside.

Just as Leila was getting ready to enter the doorway, her baby begins moving around in her belly. Is it really such a good idea to be entering such a dangerous looking place while pregnant?

Leila: Hang in there my baby, lets go exploring!

As Leila walked inside, she came across the control room. She was in awe and bathed in red light as she sat at the helm of the ship. Such a surreal experience!

Leila also found these little rooms with great little items she claimed as her own as well as some much needed money! First she grabbed this little virtual pet named Wilfredo and gifted it to her sister Jasmine.

Leila then came across this lovely guy Edward and claimed him as her own virtual pet.

Back at the house, Jasmine got chatting with a paparazzi bot and they struck up quite a friendship!

Jasmine: So your head takes photographs? So cool!

Jasmine has also been relishing in dream sleep with the new futuristic beds. She hoped to dream about social interaction in order to improve it but instead she woke up starved of social interaction and started talking to a wall!

Leila has also been eating up a storm here. With this synthesised food, she can eat whatever she wants to feed her pregnant belly, including chocolate gnomes like this little guy. 

Just as it seemed Leila and Jasmine were settling into the futuristic lifestyle. Leila's baby finally decided it was time to come into the world. 

Leila gave birth to a baby girl named Lidia. She is a witch and has dark purple skin just like her father!

Now with a brand new daughter in her arms, Leila just had to take Lidia home. It was time for Jasmine and Leila to say goodbye to the future and go back home to be back with their loved ones. It was such a lovely place, they will miss the time they spent here.

Jasmine and Leila have made it home in one piece. They sure learnt a lot about themselves and each other on this amazing journey but it's good to be home!

Now Leila can finally put Lidia into her brand new crib and officially welcome her into the family. Not only is she excited to have a daughter, she is also delighted to be the first of the sisters to produce two heirs!

Will Leila's two children receive the right traits to take over the next generation of the two wishes wishacy or will Jasmine provide competition by having a second child soon? We will have to wait and see!

Chapter 7.1 - Stuck in the Future

After an amazing woo hoo in the hot tub with Derek Wilde, Jasmine felt like she had to go to Peter's house and come clean about her actions and defuse any ill feelings between them. She almost scared him with her post electrocution, frazzled look as she approached him. 

This was the first time she had been to a house and oh my was it big! She felt so small as she came up the stairs to the door. 

Just as she said her peace to Peter and asking for them to be friends again, suddenly Derek popped up out of no where! He must have followed Jasmine to Peter's house. Her two lovers are now face to face. How awkward!

Jasmine: So ah what do you think you are doing here Derek? 

To her surprise, Peter and Derek were getting along swimmingly. She also just realised she missed out on a cracking party to witness this awkward exchange between her current lover and her ex lover.

Jasmine and Derek then started to go all googly eyed for one another right on Peter's porch just as Peter's wife came outside to see what was going on. Peter just passed them off to his wife as a crazy in love couple that wandered into the yard looking for sexy time. Jasmine and Derek quickly left after that. Phew that was close, didn't want to be explaining that one! 

 While Leila has been busy raising her new son, she has also been spending a lot of time dancing. It is her favourite thing to do.

She is not the most talented dancer and she looks pretty goofy while doing it, but she has fun and it sure is funny to watch!

Little Winford has now aged up into a toddler and he is quite a handsome bloke! He has brown eyes, pink hair and pointed ears.

 Every day Leila falls more and more in love with her son Winford. As she holds him and looks into his eyes, she sees all of her hopes and dreams for the future.

He is such a well behaved little boy, she could not ask for more in a son.

Leila: You are the most precious thing to me Winford

 Finally, Leila let Devon back into her world and he now has the chance to see his son. She has been settling into the role of a mother too well that she had almost forgotten how to be in a relationship. 

Thankfully their relationship was not starved of love with their time apart, and they made up from where they left off with some intimate time together.

Oren has surely been running havoc around the house. Jasmine has been spoiling him with lots of new toys and that he loves to play with.

Jasmine never imagined herself to be a mothering type but she is finding herself to be more and more comfortable in this role with her son.

Jasmine and Leila have now also passed over into their next stage of life as fully fledged adults. With their oncoming age, the two sisters had a sudden urge to visit the future and possibly have a glimpse at where their family's futures may be heading. Luckily the portal was right next to their house! Jasmine soon met the time keeper and learnt the skills needed for time travel. 

 Once the sisters stepped into the time portal, they soon emerged on an amazing futuristic mecca of a city. So big and beautiful!

One of the first things Jasmine was keen to try out was the jet pack! It was just so magical to feel free flying through the air.

After a while, Jasmine began to feel a bit nervous and unsure of herself with a jetpack strapped to her back, and she soon came plummeting to the ground. It would take a while to get use to.

Leila was also given the amazing opportunity to meet her future relatives. This is Nora, one of her human relatives.

Leila's next relative is little Tiffanie. She is a cute little fairy with black hair and she has a curious little virtual pet.

The most intriguing relative Leila met was Wendi who reminder her so much of herself. She was just in awe looking at her.

Jasmine and Leila then headed into town to check out some of the robots. They are pretty impressive machines!

While checking out the robots, Leila suddenly discovered she is pregnant! She had to get back home straight away to tell Devon, but she was shocked to find out she could not travel while pregnant! Jasmine and Leila are stuck in the future until Leila gives birth!

Both Leila and Jasmine are devastated to know they can't get home to be with their growing families but they are still intrigued to learn more about the future. What are they going to do with their time in the future? What will have changed back home while they have been in the future? 

Find out in the next chapter!

Chapter 6.1 - Love Comes Back Around

After a wonderful few days with Devon, Leila felt she should start making some more new friends instead of just hanging around the one guy all the time, so she started chatting to Ian Nali online and even decided to invite him over and meet him in person. They really hit it off and are now best friends!

Jasmine has also finally given birth to a bouncing baby boy! His name is Oren. Oren loves the cold and is a light sleeper. He also has dark skin and is human like his father. 

Just as Leila came to meet the brand new member of the household, she was delighted to find out that she is in fact pregnant with her first child also!

After giving birth to Oren, rather than thinking of her first love and the father of her child Peter, her first thoughts turned to her best friend Derek Wild. While she was pregnant with Oren she found she was thinking of Peter less and less and Derek more and more, so she decided to tread into uncharted territory once again and invite her best friend over in an effort to woo him!

Jasmine doesn't do things by halves so when she wants something, she goes after it, even if that means greeting Derek at the door in her underwear!

Jasmine: Oh sorry it looks like I forgot to get changed, I hope you don't mind me walking around in my underwear!

Jasmine started flirting straight away, and to her surprise he was flirting right back and even turning it up a notch. Things began to get all hot and heavy very quickly between these two!

As the sun began to set, the sexual tension between them was growing and growing until Jasmine couldn't cold it in anymore. She had to kiss him. It was the best kiss ever and they fell in love! At the same time, Leila was hanging out with her new friend Ian and subjecting the poor guy to her fairy tricks!

With the chemistry building between these two, it was only obvious they would end up here. There's no going back now! Jasmine and Derek are now officially lovers.

After a wonderfully romantic night, Jasmine soon has to comfort her crying baby, and all of a sudden Derek decides to step up on platform with a megaphone and protest the fact that the baby is crying. Sure it's annoying, but a megaphone is probably a little too far...

As Jasmine gets caught up in her romantic affairs, Leila, the family oriented sister, takes it upon herself to look after Oren when he needs it. She sure is going to be a good mum when her baby arrives.

Jasmine was walking about town the other day when she suddenly came across Peter! Her first lover, ex boss and the father of her child. As soon as she saw him, she started accusing him of cheating, even tho she has been cheating also! 

She obviously felt uneasy about cheating, but rather than airing her own dirty laundry, she thought it best to accuse him instead. Plus she was getting sick of being a mistress. What kind of example does that show to her child? She was so angry yelling at him, he could barely get a word in!

Jasmine: How dare you, I never saw you while I was pregnant with our child, you have obviously been cheating on me with your wife! Yes I know she is your wife but I am sick of coming second in this relationship!

Just as it looks like she is walking away from the confrontation, she approaches him again and starts yelling at him. He is just so confused and upset, he doesn't know what to say other than suggesting she should go visit the spa? After her barrage of insults, Jasmine and Peter are now enemies.

Jasmine: Don't you tell me to go get a damn massage to calm down! 

After getting back from that stressful confrontation with Peter, Jasmine comes home to find Leila playing with her son, and feels sad that she hasn't been there enough for him. She also feels bad that he may never have a relationship with his father.

On the bright side, Jasmine feels happy that she has found new love in Derek. They seem so in sync and he isn't married, which is a big plus!

Jasmine and Derek have been seeing more and more of each other lately and have been going out on lots of dates. Things seems to be looking up again fro Jasmine and her love life.

Leila has now given birth to a son. She has named him Winford and he loves the outdoors and is neurotic. He has pinkish skin and is a fairy just like him mum!

On the very same day, little Oren has grown up into a toddler! Jasmine can see so much of Peter in him already.

As soon as he aged up, Jasmine has been holding him and playing with him every chance she gets, making up for lost time while he was a baby when she was figuring out the mine field that is her personal life.

Speaking of minefield, Jasmine has really really wanted to have another woo hoo with Derek but this time in a spa! As they headed out to a public area where spas were available, it just happened to be storming. Just as Jasmine started to step into the water, she got electrocuted! Talk about bad luck!

She got pretty singed but overall she is ok! Even tho her looks were a little worse for ware, she still managed to convince Derek into having a woo hoo with her in the hot tub. Score!

Will the relationship between Jasmine and Derek last? Will there be more babies on the way? Find out in the next chapter!