Waking up the following day in the future sure was surreal, but man this place was far nicer than the house they were living in at home!
Jasmine fell back into a daily routine. She ate her first synthesised breakfast and then started working out in the living groom.
Suddenly some other futuristic people and a robot started wandering through the house while she was working out. The future fashions really are quite unique! The time traveller guy also started playing some strange futuristic instrument!
Jasmine was really getting into this music and decided to join in the jam buy picking up this funky looking guitar. She loved this guitar so much she kinda snuck it in her bag and took it home with her.
Jasmine also couldn't help but chat up some of the futuristic locals such as George Landgrab here. The people sure are good looking here in the future!
While Jasmine was living it up in the futuristic house, Leila had the urge to visit the wasteland. When Leila arrived she immediately began regretting her decision. There was literally nothing there and it took her a long time to get out there with her growing baby belly!
Then she came across this mysterious door that seemed to be an entrance to a crashed space ship. As soon as she saw it, she had an urge to go inside and explore. First she had to do some excavating in the area to find the key. After hours of digging she finally found the pieces of the key she needed to go inside.
Just as Leila was getting ready to enter the doorway, her baby begins moving around in her belly. Is it really such a good idea to be entering such a dangerous looking place while pregnant?
Leila: Hang in there my baby, lets go exploring!
As Leila walked inside, she came across the control room. She was in awe and bathed in red light as she sat at the helm of the ship. Such a surreal experience!
Leila also found these little rooms with great little items she claimed as her own as well as some much needed money! First she grabbed this little virtual pet named Wilfredo and gifted it to her sister Jasmine.
Leila then came across this lovely guy Edward and claimed him as her own virtual pet.
Back at the house, Jasmine got chatting with a paparazzi bot and they struck up quite a friendship!
Jasmine: So your head takes photographs? So cool!
Jasmine has also been relishing in dream sleep with the new futuristic beds. She hoped to dream about social interaction in order to improve it but instead she woke up starved of social interaction and started talking to a wall!
Leila has also been eating up a storm here. With this synthesised food, she can eat whatever she wants to feed her pregnant belly, including chocolate gnomes like this little guy.
Just as it seemed Leila and Jasmine were settling into the futuristic lifestyle. Leila's baby finally decided it was time to come into the world.
Leila gave birth to a baby girl named Lidia. She is a witch and has dark purple skin just like her father!
Now with a brand new daughter in her arms, Leila just had to take Lidia home. It was time for Jasmine and Leila to say goodbye to the future and go back home to be back with their loved ones. It was such a lovely place, they will miss the time they spent here.
Jasmine and Leila have made it home in one piece. They sure learnt a lot about themselves and each other on this amazing journey but it's good to be home!
Now Leila can finally put Lidia into her brand new crib and officially welcome her into the family. Not only is she excited to have a daughter, she is also delighted to be the first of the sisters to produce two heirs!
Will Leila's two children receive the right traits to take over the next generation of the two wishes wishacy or will Jasmine provide competition by having a second child soon? We will have to wait and see!