It has become quite obvious recently that Kurt enjoys getting his kit off and wear only his underwear around the house to do anything and everything such as have a spontaneous dance with a room mate...
Poking a bon fire in his tighty whiteys...
Jamming on his guitar in his undergarments....
As well as getting into arguments and insulting people. In fact, insulting people seems to be one of his favourite past times. This social taboo is making it quite hard for him to make friends.
That was until he met his room mate Cid Serverus who was just as angry and insult filled as he was. Cid was the only person who could handle Kurt's complains and insults, and not only would he take them, he would throw them right back at him with just as much vigour.
Sure it is a bit of a tumultuous friendship that constantly flicks between friendly banter and anger fuelled insults, but somehow it works for them!
Kurt however is not the only one that has been having a hard time making friends. Lidia has been busy sculpting and studying instead of socialising and feels like a bit of an outcast at times.
She didn't fully realise how much of an outcast she was from her peers until a fellow class mate started beating her up after class for no reason and no one bothered to come and help.
Lidia was physically and emotionally hurt by this random act of violence on her. She could not believe that something like this could happen at such a prestigious university.
But her pain quickly turned to anger. She was now more determined than ever to achieve her goals at university and she figured she should probably try and make some friends along the way.
While Lidia sits in her classes taking notes begrudgingly....
Kurt uses class time to catch up on sleep
When Kurt finally wakes up in class, he raises his hand to ask questions in a panic, realising he just slept through his entire class and all of the information he needs to pass his exams
Lidia and Kurt also have many practical tasks to take part in. Lidia recently took part in a day of drawing outdoors.
Meanwhile, Kurt's class decided to take their brain scanning experiments outdoors which resulted in this very strange sight out the front of the comic book store.
In the last few days of term, Lidia came across Walter Fullman in the dormitory and decided to strike up a conversation. To her surprise, the two of them clicked straight away and they had a lot in common.
They soon became friends and she was delighted that she finally had a friend to hang out with in the dormitory that she could relate to and get along with.
The last day of term finally arrived and Lidia decided to cook a lovely meal for all of the room mates as a nice gesture, however it all ended in disaster when the kitchen caught fire.
Well that is certainly one way to end the term with a bang. Probably not the kind of last impression Lidia had hoped to leave behind.
To Lidia's delight, all of her hard work paid off as she received A's in her final exam. Kurt on the other hand received C's on his report card, but he was hardly surprised considering his lack of study habits.
Now it was time to come home, where they were immediately greeted by their robot Disco who is in a constant state of malfunction as usual.
Will Lidia and Kurt pursuit their lives and careers back in town or will they head to University again to finish their degree? Will they make more friends and potentially find love? Lets wait and see.
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